Friday, July 13, 2012

twenty years is one score

describe three significant memories from your childhood
i have talked about one of my most significant memories before: i  have a vivid mental picture of our house in salt lake; it's night time, and we are eating dinner. we were having chicken, rice, and corn from a can. nothing too fancy. just fried chicken, sticky rice, and corn. i don't remember much beyond that, except that my older siblings were there, and i colored a picture, maybe a poster. i also remember a man there, who i'm assuming was probably my cousin tui, babysat us a lot. we were waiting for my brand new baby sister to be born. it is my first/only memory before pene was born. she is a part of every other memory of my life, this one is significant because it predates (barely) her arrival on earth.

another memory i have is driving around in my grandma's convertible with the top down with one of my uncles. i cannot remember if it was jason or chris, but one of them got the assignment to drive me around because i had some sort of rash/infection on my face and the air was the only thing that helped it. so we drove for hours. those hours were the only time i did not want to peel off my skin by hand. i remember i had just found out my rash had been misdiagnosed, thus it had been mistreated. i do not remember to this day what it really was, but they thought it was impetigo. while we were driving, my uncle took me to the marine base (we had a religious pass because my grandpa was a bishop) we drove around until we saw flashing lights on the mountainside. my uncle told me those were to attract ufos to the island, and i believed him. little did i know they were just warnings to incoming aircraft that there was a huge, hulking mountain there.

another memory i have is playing doctor in the closet with my friend josh, and subsequently getting caught by our older sisters. i guess we thought the door being closed meant no one could hear us, even though the doors were louvered doors :)