Thursday, July 5, 2012

eleventy-first birthdays

describe 10 pet peeves you have

wow, this question could end up being a pandora's box... a lot of things annoy we. we have discussed before how bratty i am. i guess pet peeves go a bit deeper, though.

  1. i hate it when people cut in front of me when driving and then slow down. you seemed in such a hurry, why the wait now?
  2. along those same lines, i cannot stand people who match my speed when i am trying to pass them and then slow back down when i give up and get behind them. there is a special corner in hell reserved for people who do this,
  3. i hate it when people think they know my life. it really annoys me when people make assumptions about my intentions or thoughts. if you are wondering, ask me. i will let you know what i am thinking and what my intentions are. you might not like them, but it will be the truth, not some ridiculous assumption. 
  4. people who do not rinse their dishes immediately after they use them. don't think this is a huge deal? try washing a sink full of stuck on, baked on food and you will understand. 
  5. people who read over my shoulder and then ask me questions about it. most of the time, i could not care less whether you read over my shoulder. it happens. i get that people are nosy. but to ask me questions about the email i am typing or the article i am reading?? seriously, how annoying! at least try to be sneaky about your nosiness.
  6. i cannot stand smelling other people's burps and farts. yeah, it is a bodily process, but really. no one wants to smell what you had for lunch or the decomposed remains of your dinner last night. 
  7. sitting in pee on the toilet seat (do anyone else's nephews constantly do this??) i don't think i even need to explain this one.
  8. having my personality or behaviors justified or explained away by my religion, race, upbringing, gender, education, political affiliation or anything else. why can't people just accept that i am a human? why do they need some deeper reasoning for the things i do, especially when they rarely even affect others. i think it is a way of maintaining a sense of superiority, and i despise it. if you wanted to explain the reasoning behind the behaviors of those around you, become a psychologist. otherwise, well, you know. :)
  9. too many chiefs and not enough squaws.. or some sort of saying like that! i guess this is less of a pet peeve, and more of something i have no ability to cope with. it is extremely overwhelming to try to do any task when surrounded by people who have differing opinions about how to do it. stop telling me how you would make/do it (which translates into how you think i should do/make it)! if you care so much, you can do it next time. until then, i know what i am doing; leave me be.
  10. i hate when people pick apart a movie/book/tv show that i love. yeah, there will be inconsistencies and stupid plot points, but save your criticisms for shows/movies/books that i also hate :)