Monday, November 8, 2010

the game of our lives

it seems like the story of my life lately is waiting. we waited for masey to go into surgery. waited for updates. waited for him to come out of surgery. waited for him to wake up. waited for him to move out of the icu. waited for him to start eating. still waiting for the pathology to come back. waiting for the final word on the treatment plan. waiting is the story of masey's poor life right now.

masey is doing really well. he has been up and taking wheelchair rides, directing us on those rides and getting projects out of the craft closet. he has been moving his neck on his own. he has been awake more and needing less pain medicine. but he is still waiting. he is waiting to go home. waiting for people to stop poking him. waiting for his head to hurt. waiting for visitors. waiting for the time when he can eat without throwing up. waiting to find out if he can go home for a few weeks before starting chemo. as many things as it seems like i am waiting for in this process, it is nothing in comparison to what masey is waiting for.

right now, masey is in the in-between phase. we were told that the magic number for chemo or radiation to start is 28 days post-op. so, we've got a while until the next huge step, but we are also without a final diagnosis, so we are stuck waiting. the waiting game does not seem that bad, though, with masey here. with this sweet boy around, none of the waiting matters. i would do it forever for moments like these:


Chandie said...

Love the update Latu! Sucks to play the waiting game - but I'm SO glad he's here. Love you all!

F-A-N-G-U-P-O said...

I'm so happy he's doing so well.....thanks for the updates Latu, we pray for your family everyday!