Sunday, June 20, 2010


well, i posted about my two favorite fathers, my dad here and here and my grandpa here. if you want to know what i think about them, or why i love them, go ahead and read. but, today is both my mama's birthday (post on her here) and father's day. the father i want to talk about today is a future father. here he is:

this is my baby brother. he's my favorite future father, and for sure one of my favorite all time people. this kid is thoughtful and caring, but he is mostly just all-around a nice kid.

this past mother's day found me playing the role of the spinster--the only female in my family who has yet to provide progeny to the family line. i spent the day throwing myself a pity party. this kid spent the morning  making sure to bring me  breakfast in bed.

no matter what the occasion, my baby brother is thoughtful and kind. he is the voice of reason in so many cases, and the amount of thought he puts into all of his beliefs astounds me. no matter what he has decided he believes, he believes it whole-heartedly and is loyal to the cause. my baby brother is helpful to the max. he's the youngest, so he grew up doing everyone's bidding. but, he never complains, and never asks for anything in return. just helps out any way he can, and with a good attitude.

my nephews and the princess adore him, he's by far the favorite, funnest, and coolest uncle. he's the one everyone wants attention from. mostly, though i just love this kid. one day, he's going to make an awesome dad. today, on a day dedicated to dads (and i didn't forget my mama's birthday), i hope my baby brother has the most awesome day. he's my favorite in so many ways.


Claytie and Suzie said...

Aww, sweet post. Two posts in two days from his big sisters! What a lucky kid! did you plan that?!

Penelope said...

Hahaha. I just saw this. I posted about him, too. :) Cute post, Latu!

Chandie said...

Oh cute- I just read Pene's post. You guys are so sweet to love him like you do - and he's just the perfect little brother. Love it!

The Maumau's said...

WHat a sweet and well deserving post!

Angie Adam said...

Don't worry... I cried when I read this!!!