Friday, October 17, 2008

I always hated being it...

Well, I've been tagged again. This time by my sister (it has actually been a few weeks since she tagged me. I've been busy; leave me alone!)

Rules: Get the book that's on your nightstand (or whatever you happen to be reading).Open it to page 56 and find the 5th sentence. Post the next couple of sentences on your blog, along with these instructions. Do not go and find your favorite book; it has to be the one you are reading now! Tag five other people to do the same.

The Book:

Well, I'm currently reading Brisingr. For those who don't know, it is the third and final installment in the Eragon series. It is a series I would recommend if you like fantasy, but you have to remember that the first draft of Eragon (the first book) was written when the author was 15. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with 15 year olds writing books. Just don't expect incredible writing. If you want motivation to write, this is the series for you (I'm absolutely certain I could write a fantasy book as good, if not better)


The Quote:

"I don't want it to fall on her."

Eragon looked back at the wretched butcher. He had no more time for mindless wanderings. He had to choose. One way or another, he had to choose. . . .


I don't know what's right, realized Eragon. His own uncertainty told him that it would be wrong to kill Sloan or return him to the Varden. He had no idea what he should do instead, except find a third path,one thatwas less obvious and less violent.


Well, because I haven't read this far yet, and I don't know what comes next, that's all you are getting. =)
I tag: No one. If you want to participate, join in! If not, I'll survive.


Penelope said...

LOL. Thanks for doing it! I liked this one, because it had to do with books, and was quick!

I couldn't finish the first book in that series, but I think I may just have to try again!