note: at a baby shower on saturday, my auntie told me that i don't have enough pictures on my blog, so here is one (um, i may or may not have stolen it from my sister's blog....) of my nephews and the princess/the moving mess at my sister's house.

yeah, the shift key is still broken, and i don't care enough to fix it or worry about capitals. this may become a pattern. i like the freedom of straight typing without any capitals. anywho, i am officially 24. i think it's gonna be a good number, my birthday was super uneventful, but a really good day.
it started out at about midnight, when i was going for a jog with a friend. we were supposed to meet two other friends there, and decided to hide in some bushes to scare them when they came. bad idea when it turns out they were waiting at the cars to surprise us with silly string and birthday glitter :) eventually, we got it and each pulled off our plans, but it was entertaining getting there. note for the wise: when hiding for long periods of time in bushes, you might want to take seriously the fact that your face is itchy, shower pretty soon after, and wash the clothes you were in...
then, i basically went sleep for a while, went to church, ate dinner, ate cake and ice cream, went to see my sister's brand new (i guess just new to them) house, and then came home and watched some tv. non-eventful, but a great day.
i have decided recently that i need to read the book of mormon before conference. i actually came up with a chart of how many chapters i needed to read each day, mostly because i obsess about crap like that. i gave myself 15 days to do it, which left about another 15 in case i got behind. it was good logic, because it's really hard to read 15 chapters of the bom on days i work. either way, i can see the difference it is making in my life already. it forces me to at least have the spirit for a few hours every day, which is more than i was doing before.
i feel like alma, who said 'o that i were an angel, and could have the wish of mine heart, that i might go forth and speak with the trump of God, with a voice to shake the earth and cry repentance unto every people!' (alma 29:1) now that i have decided that having the Lord's presence in my life daily is something that is important to me, i've become annoying about it to everyone else. i'm not sure there is any kind of solution, because i feel so different these past few weeks.
i am scheduled to work 5 shifts the rest of the month of march, and i cannot even express how excited i am about it!! i thought all my time off was limited to march until i realized i have the first friday-sunday off in april, and then i will be in hawaii from the 7th-14th. that means that i am working a total of 7 days in the next 5 weeks. i might complain when i get my paycheck, but i am so glad i don't have to work!
I hope you had a great birthday! I am sorry I didn't wish you an early birthday at the baby shower. I hope you have a great time in Hawaii (lucky girl)
And good luck with your BOM reading. You have inspired me to pick it up more and read.
Love ya!
That's an awesome challenge!! Enjoy your time off; I'm jealous!
Happy late Birthday Latu! Great job with the scripture reading. I am so looking forward to conference! And women's rugby, that's awesome! Clayton coached the womens rugby team at BYU when we were there, did you know? I hope you have fun. Any team sport is fun.
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