Friday, November 13, 2009

When the Music Stops

...It's all on us.

That's a quote from The Cleaner. I love that show mainly because it always starts (or ends) with a monologue from Benjamin Bratt's character.

I think that quote is one part of being a "grown up" that scares me. There is no longer anyone else to blame or take any responsibility for my life. I tend to get bored and make rash decisions just to kill the boredom.

I started looking for nanny jobs about two months ago. I had quite a few interested people, some close and some far. It was basically a repeat of the last time I looked for a nanny job with one exception: I was dragging my feet big time.

At the time, I didn't really want to admit it, but I knew this was one of those instances. The kind where I would not be able to make a rash decision and still end up on top. I knew that no matter what nanny job I took, I would reach this same point eventually. The point where I get restless and get an insatiable desire to wander.

It always plays out the same way. I get bored, change things up a bit (or a lot!) and then end up bored again. It's a never-ending cycle.

On a completely unrelated note: I adore the song Fireflies by Owl City. It annoyed me at first, just because it was all weird and techno-like, but after I really listened to the words, I fell in love. I love the camaraderie that comes from a song that explains your feelings so well. It's always nice realizing that a complete stranger, who probably does not have much in common with you or the same life experiences, can still understand (and more importantly, describe) your emotions. Anywho, just some thoughts on my day!


leinani45 said...

There you go again... Speaking about what's on my mind. lol. I always get what my mom calls "ants in my pants" where I can't sit still and I need a change. Just remember that life is what we make of it. Literally. I was just talking to my cousin about this last week. You can't sit around waiting for your life to begin. YOU begin your life... and you're the only one that can make something of it. :)Love ya tons!!! Keep your head up!

The Maumau's said...

oh, I just though you were going crazy....hahahahaha. Just joking! Just move in and be my mommy's helper. The pay is great...quality time with my babies... ;)