Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Always playing catch-up

Well, it's been FOREVER since I have posted anything, so here is my catch-up post. =)

The brown baby (Masey) has learned the art of speaking, and--lucky for me--one of his favorite words is "Tu!" It was adorable that he knew my name (for all of about two minutes). After that, it's kind of gotten annoying to constantly hear him calling me. I sometimes wish I could fast-forward time, because I know that when he grows up and moves past me, I am going to miss these times (and wish I had appreciated them more) But I guess the first step to appreciating it is to deal with the annoyance now =)

I realized how much I absolutely love and cannot live without mountains while in Nauvoo. The first morning in the midwest, I kept seeing shadows through the window of the bus, and I subconsciously assumed they were mountains off in the distance. It was seriously such a let-down to realize, "no, those are not mountains, and you will not see real mountains for quite a while"

As you probably assumed from the above paragraph, I went to Nauvoo (as well as all churchy-type destinations between here and there) I saw the city Beautiful, the valley of Adam-Ondi-Ahman, touched the majestic Mississippi River, stood where the Prophet Joseph was martyred. Overall, it was an absolutely amazing trip, but horrible because it's made me want to go back (and if you could see all the stuff I bought while there, you would know why that's a bad idea. Mormons will buy anything.)

Well, that's just a highlight of the past month for me. Not too much special going on. Mostly just working away!


pamelasue said...

Yea!! Latu wrote again!! Missed ya! I am glad you had a good time in Nauvoo. It was fun to see you there.

Angie Adam said...

I'm glad Nauvoo was so fun! We missed you at Grandpa's on memorial day. I love you and hope to see you soon!